Lead Every Day

Blog Archive

A woman sits at the head of a conference table behind her laptop, with a whiteboard of sticky notes behind her, leading a meeting.

Practice the Fundamentals

I was once asked: What’s the biggest insight you’ve had throughout your career regarding leadership? Wow!…

A woman sitting in an office across a desk from a man who is interviewing her

Select Top Talent

Selecting employees is not the same as recruiting talent. The difference between the two is profound.…

A group of women in an office, sitting around a conference table, collaborating in a meeting

One Word… Collaboration

Often, a single word or concept can make a huge difference for leaders and their organizations.…

A group of coworkers sitting around a table with notebooks and pens, listening and taking notes.

New Hire Orientation

Horst Schultze, the former president of the Ritz-Carlton hotel chain, said, ”The most important time in…

A pair of glasses being held up in front of an eye chart, and the part of the chart seen through the lens of the glasses is in perfect focus.

Create Clarity

High Performance Organizations do things lesser performing organizations don’t – they create clarity on what’s important…

A man in athletic clothing wearing a backpack, who is jumping over a gap with a river and trees in the background.

Don’t Set the Bar Too Low

I want to lead a great team – don’t you? I want to work on big…

A group of three coworkers leaning in toward a laptop computer on a table, examining something there together

Five Ways to Spark Creativity in Your Team

Tapping into creativity is a constant challenge. In a business climate that can turn on a…

Several coworkers around a conference table, listening to and watching a few of those coworkers making a presentation to the group.

Develop More Leaders

What does it take to build a leadership culture? What I discovered when I wrote my…

a wooden picket fence with an attached sign that says

Teams: Pseudo vs. Real

I usually think about, talk about, study, and write about teams that excel. My book, The…

A group of men and women sitting outside on a patio, facing each other and engaged in conversation

Learn from Others

For many years, I have met with a group of men twice a month. We’ve been…

A group of young coworkers sitting around a laptop computer on a table, laughing with each other.

Harness The Power of a Start-up… Even if You Aren’t in Start-up Mode

Have you ever been part of a start-up? Do you know people who have? What can…

Tiles on a Scrabble board that are connected together and spell the words Lead, Team, and Succeed

Facilitate Engagement

In my book, Chess Not Checkers, I wrote about the most misunderstood and overlooked facet of…