Lead Every Day

high performance teams

A man in athletic clothing wearing a backpack, who is jumping over a gap with a river and trees in the background.

Don’t Set the Bar Too Low

I want to lead a great team – don’t you? I want to work on big…

a wooden picket fence with an attached sign that says

Teams: Pseudo vs. Real

I usually think about, talk about, study, and write about teams that excel. My book, The…

A group of players on a sports team, standing in a huddle with their arms around each other.

Master Team Basics

I am a big fan of teams. Obviously I have a strong bias since I wrote…

five hands in a row laid out on a table, all different skin tones

Leading People Who are Different

How do you lead a team with vastly different personalities? I once received this question after…

a group of people silhouetted against a pink sky, one man leading in front of the others

Has Your Team Been Hijacked?

Who should lead your team? The answer may not be as clear as you think. But…

an image of eight people from behind sitting on a barrier near a body of water with their arms around each other

The Invisible Force Behind Amazing Teams

For years, I attempted to learn what separated great teams from the not-so-good ones. All good…

three women around a conference table with their computers

Pursue Genuine Community

Teams outperform individuals in virtually every situation. This fact has not escaped the attention of most…