Lead Every Day


A woman sits at the head of a conference table behind her laptop, with a whiteboard of sticky notes behind her, leading a meeting.

Practice the Fundamentals

I was once asked: What’s the biggest insight you’ve had throughout your career regarding leadership? Wow!…

A group of young coworkers sitting around a laptop computer on a table, laughing with each other.

Harness The Power of a Start-up… Even if You Aren’t in Start-up Mode

Have you ever been part of a start-up? Do you know people who have? What can…

Three friends jumping from a snowy sidewalk into the air, excited with hands raised.

How Fun Is It To Work For You?

When my oldest son was little, I found myself coaching one of his baseball teams. During…

Two coworkers, one seated and one standing, looking at a computer monitor together in a large open office area.

People Don’t Care

Here’s a specific question I get asked often: How do you create a workplace where people…

coworkers sitting around a table in a conference room with a bright orange wall, working on a whiteboard with sticky notes

A Simple Idea With Huge Potential

How can you accelerate your team’s performance? Here’s a simple idea that I have used that…