Lead Every Day

Blog Archive


five hands in a row laid out on a table, all different skin tones


Leading People Who are Different

How do you lead a team with vastly different personalities? I once received this question after…

A photo of several peoples' hands stacked on top of each other in a circle, with colorful sweater sleeves, getting ready for a cheer


Act As One

High Performance Organizations must strive to Act as One. To Act as One is a simple…

a group of people silhouetted against a pink sky, one man leading in front of the others


Has Your Team Been Hijacked?

Who should lead your team? The answer may not be as clear as you think. But…

a yellow post with a red and white bar blocking the entrance to an underground car parking area


The Fine Art of Facilitation

Have you been in a great meeting recently? I know for some of you, that may…

coworkers sitting around a table working on their laptops, laughing together


Help People Win

I’ve been thinking and writing about teams a lot over my leadership journey. I’ve observed some…

a set of train tracks that split as they go off in the distance


Got Problems?

Every team has problems – even if things are going well, your new problem is how…

an image of eight people from behind sitting on a barrier near a body of water with their arms around each other


The Invisible Force Behind Amazing Teams

For years, I attempted to learn what separated great teams from the not-so-good ones. All good…

A businessman's hand holding a magicians hat with chalk drawn rabbit ears sticking outside of it.


How to Pull a Rabbit Out of Your Hat

I once watched a magician named Derek Hughes perform… he was amazing! To the casual observer,…

a group of men and women sitting around a conference table with their computers, watching a video presentation


Grow Your Leadership Team

When I  began researching the best practices of High Performance Organizations, I was not surprised to…

three women around a conference table with their computers


Pursue Genuine Community

Teams outperform individuals in virtually every situation. This fact has not escaped the attention of most…

coworkers sitting around a table in a conference room with a bright orange wall, working on a whiteboard with sticky notes


A Simple Idea With Huge Potential

How can you accelerate your team’s performance? Here’s a simple idea that I have used that…