New from Mark Miller & Lead Every Day
Uncommon Greatness
Five Fundamentals to Transform Your Leadership. Publishes February 27, 2024!

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Ten Tips for Brilliant Brainstorming
In "Uncommon Greatness," Mark lays out the five fundamentals that will transform your leadership. One of them involves thinking differently, and part of thinking differently is carving out time as an individual and a team to come up with new ideas. Brainstorming as a team can be frustrating or fruitful, depending on how you approach it. To help you get started, we created "Ten Tips for Brilliant Brainstorming" to get the most out of your time coming up with new ideas as a team. Download it for free today!

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Smart Leadership
In "Smart Leadership," Mark Miller covers the four choices leaders can make to scale your impact. Download the free chapter "Ask, Don't Tell" and discover how questions can serve as the primary tool to find insights to scale your impact as a leader.
There is a different path that all leaders can choose.

Move to a new leadership level and experience joy, fulfillment and results

Tackle your most perplexing leadership challenges

Lead individuals, teams, and your organization to new levels of accomplishment
Uncommon Greatness was written for leaders who:

Believe they can make a difference in their world.

Care deeply about personal excellence.

Are energized by producing tangible results.
About the Author
More than four decades encouraging and equipping leaders for one of the world’s most beloved brands.
Mark's passion is taking ordinary people and helping them transform into High Performance Leaders. These types of leaders have the potential to take their organizations to new levels of productivity and success. This all begins with a dedication to lifelong learning.

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